Welcome to Forever Miracles Sanctuary & Healing Center

My name is Madeline and I am a Shamanic Energy Healer. I am sharing my story to Give Hope & Inspire others that they too can Transform their Life.

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My signature program was created out of the desire to heal my Inner Child who experienced emotional and sexual abuse at the hands of my father, realizing a few years ago that my mother knew and didn't step in to protect me. 

My entire life I have felt broken and believed the abuse was my fault.  I believed, I must have been a horrific person in a past life and this was my Karmic Retribution. I was overwhelmed by my feelings of “just wanting to disappear and the pain to stop.” I continually thought, “I am worthless! I am nobody! I don’t deserve to be alive. I have absolutely nothing to offer! Why would anyone love me!” Well, no one ever did.

My childhood began a lifetime of abuse.

In my effort to transform my life, I was certified in different modalities. I signed up for any and every program that I thought could possibly assist my healing journey; even working 1-on-1 with various healers to no avail. Nothing worked until I began Healing my Past Lives!

Through accessing my past lives, I understood that the abuse wasn't my fault. I understood my parents programming and I was finally truly able to Forgive them and step into my inner power and Divine birthright with life. These sunflowers are in remembrance of my Beautiful Mother, her favorite flower/color, who endured a lifetime of abuse herself, and who died young. Mom, I wish you were still here!!

I am now so Blessed to assist others and animals to transform their lives as well. As an Animal Communicator, assisting people to better understand/heal their relationship with their beloved fur-baby is an integral part of my work.

Please join my mission to assist both people and animals, alike, to step into their power and stop defining who they are, by their traumas and fears!